জনপ্রিয় পোস্টসমূহ

সোমবার, ২ মে, ২০১১


Mosquito menace has become the talk of the town in Chittagong city. The problem is becoming more serious day by day. It is becoming so intolerable and annoying that there is hardly any respite from this threat. People from all walks of life particularly the students (S.S.C AND H.S.C can ideates in particular) being the worst sufferers can't concentrate on their studies properly leading to poor results. There was a time  when sprays mangles would be effective against this menace. But nowadays the maddening song of the mosquito is not to be stopped by the coil or the mosquito repellent spray. Somehow these winged monster have developed resistance to these repellents. In addition people are becoming prone to different mosquito borne diseases like malaria, dengue etc. Load shedding is adding to this problem when the fan is off, the mosquitoes have field day. This creates an unbearable situation. Under the circumstances, I would like to draw the attention of the authorities and the mayor of Chittagong. We are paying taxes, don't we deserve better?

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